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Starry Nights Ranch Miniature Schnauzers
Puppies are available!!
Breeding Miniature Schnauzers with Love and Care
History of Starry Nights Schnauzers
In 1977 while I, Rand Williams, was collecting sponsors for a bike-a-ton for Muscular Dystrophy a young girl answered the door with a beautiful puppy. When her dad came to the door I asked what kind of puppy it was as I had not seen such a striking puppy before. He said it was a black miniature schnauzer. I knew at that point I was in love with the miniature schnauzer breed.
I purchased a salt and pepper female miniature schnauzer from a local breeder. I became interested in showing and attended the Greater Salt Lake Miniature Schnauzer AKC Show fun matches once a month. As a 17 year old in high school and saving for college I could not afford a show dog at that time. So I took my salt and pepper girl “Nina” to the fun match. I wanted to see what it was like to show a dog. She wasn’t a show dog and was not groomed properly, either, as the show dogs need to be stripped of their finer coat. All eyes were on me as I entered the park with my “Nina”. The eyes were not on me for the beauty of my baby, even though she was gorgeous. They were on me because she was not show quality and not groomed for the shows, but that didn’t stop me. I wanted to put her in the fun match and see how it felt to show. We were put in the six month to year group. The judge allowed me to show along with everyone else. Upon my turn for Nina to be examined the judge whispered to me, “You know this is not a show dog right?” I stated, “Yes I do, but I want to see what if feels like to be in a show arena." He said, “Smart idea son, but ask around here and see what you need for a show dog and come back when you get one!”
That is exactly what I did. After purchasing a black and silver show puppy, which I named Jasmine, I teamed up with her breeder who lived two hours away. Together we got her stripped and ready for the shows. Every other Saturday within a 100 mile radius I took her to the fun matches to prepare for the local shows which were twice a year in the early spring and late fall. We had a blast and I learned a lot. Over the years I learned how to groom my own dogs and how competitive the shows arena is. I belonged to the UT, ID, NV, CA and OR circuit. I joined my sister and brother-in-law, who had purchased two show quality Afghan Hounds in traveling the circuit to show our puppies in their R.V. It was the start of a long commitment and a lot of fun. This experience led to years of breeding and providing miniature schnauzers to wonderful families.
Then as I later graduated from college and started my own family I just had my puppies as my pets. I still bred my beautiful dogs and was very happy. However, I went 10 years from 40 to 50 without any puppies and away from the miniature schnauzer world. At 52 I decided it was time to look for a Miniature Schnauzer again. While I was looking and looking for a nice quality puppy, I noticed there were all kinds of sizes and colors new to me and the miniature schnauzer world. Being a traditional show person I was taken back and wasn’t sure about what I was seeing. One day on a cold old winter January I saw my first Black Parti Miniature Schnauzer and I had to have him. The history for the Black Parti dates back to the original miniatures in Germany they were just swept under the radar because they were just too flashy and competed with the three other colors. The traditional show colors which are still the only AKC Confirmation show colors are Salt and Pepper, Black and Silver and Black. However, AKC does allow a lot of other colors to be registered as AKC. The Merle can’t be registered AKC.
My breeding program is to provide top quality, healthy puppies to loving families. That is my number one goal here at Starry Night's Ranch Miniature Schnauzers. We are proud of our babies and love them very much.
Starry Night Schnauzers is a part of our Starry Nights Ranch. Our breeding program consist of providing miniature schnauzers within the weight range of 12 lbs. to 18 lbs, the size I personally prefer. I don’t have a problem with other breeding programs with the Toy or teacup size, I just like the traditional height and weight.
At the Starry Nights Ranch and the home of Starry Nights Schnauzers we are here to assist you in your search for the perfect miniature for you and your family. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time. If I don’t have what you desire I have many quality breeding friends that have an array of varieties. Make sure you are in communication with real true breeders and get references from those you contact.
The Starry Nights Ranch is in Prescott, Arizona on 5 beautiful acres and provides a beautiful home for our babies.